The Value of ME!

If your world seems dark; if you feel trapped; if you’ve lost hope and are carrying a burden that feels overwhelming, you are not alone and you are at the right place. The Value of ME! is a proven, systematic program that utilizes group sessions and personalized one-on-one sessions designed to change YOU from the inside out by changing the way you think.  It is a program based on Biblical truths.

Rather than focusing on the mistakes people have made, Dan helps them find themselves and their own goodness. I finally realized there is hope for me at last.

Every morning when we open our eyes to a new day, there are literally millions of people who awaken to a “dark cloud” that shrouds their existence. There can be many reasons or excuses for this malady, but the most likely culprits are unresolved emotional issues or emotional scars that may go all the way back to childhood experiences, or perhaps choices we have made that have left us in the grip of guilt, shame and remorse.  If these issues are left unchecked a person can become stigmatized with a “less than” attitude or a poor self-image.  When one views themself through that lens and fails to see the value of ME”, life can certainly be a struggle.  Truth be told…to live life to the fullest will take all the help we can give ourselves, and a healthy “ME” is indispensable.

And who is “ME”?  Literally speaking, “ME” is the objective form of “I”.   Being the objective form in this case is important because “ME” is how I see myself, and how I see myself is a major influence on how I am going to live my life.  If I like me (or value me); if I am confident with me, I am going to go about the business of life in a different way than someone who does not like (or value) themself and lacks confidence.  “ME” is the sum-total of all my life experiences, the good, the bad and the ugly, but the good news is… if I don’t like the “ME” I see today, I can always change “ME” for a better tomorrow.

I’m in a better place now and feel stronger in every way because of this program.

Sounds easy, right?  If you ask anyone who has done it they will probably tell you it was the most challenging task they have ever undertaken.  Ask them if they would do it again and I know the response would be a resounding YES!  Yes because a new “ME” will give me a second chance at life.  Think about the possibilities inherent in the last statement.